A new program beginning in the fall of 2023…..

When Rudolf Steiner founded the first Waldorf School he was adamant that what he called Curative Education must be contained within the heart of every Waldorf School. He was dedicated to the ideal that every child could and should be served. Over the years, there has been a separation between Curative Education (which Steiner called the deepening of Waldorf Education) and what we see today in most Waldorf Schools. Curative Education has become something many see as only intended for “those kinds of kids.” It is not, nor was it ever intended to be. Meanwhile, the children are waiting for us to serve them.

This new course is designed to support teachers and parents in understanding not only Curative Education, but also understand how Steiner intended it to be used within every classroom. Once we understand the bigger picture we begin to understand how everything we do has an element of healing. In year one we will go through the same content that I have offered for many years as a foundational understanding of Steiner’s Curative Education, but in addition we will simultaneously work through several of Steiner’s lesser known books on the pedagogy, focussing on an understanding of child development, out of which a curriculum can be formed that is truly, as Steiner emphasized, “World Centered.”

I have come to realize that in order for the two streams of Steiner’s picture of education to be reunited the course I offer must reconnect them from the get go. This is a course intended for any teacher currently working within a school as a tool to better understand the children they are serving and what can be done to support each one. It is also intended for those interested in forming small new initiatives working out of Steiner’s intentions for Anthroposophical Education. Additionally, parents who are looking for a deeper understanding of how to support their children are welcome to join.

We will meet four times each month. Each class will last one hour. One of the monthly classes will focus on Curative Education. One will focus on Anthroposophical Education. One will bridge the work of Curative Education through discussion and artistic interaction and one class will be an opportunity for cohort members to speak openly with each other about their work and observations.

The cost for the year is $3,500.00

Payments in full can be made on the “store” page. I also welcome people to submit payment plans and make smaller payments throughout the year using Venmo or with a personal check. Checks can be mailed to Robyn Brown, PO Box 1476, Gold Beach, OR 97444

Please visit the “application” page to register and see the prerequisites.